Al Shamsi launches Sharjah Police Strategy 2024-2027

- February 28, 2024 , by Maagulf
Al Shamsi launches Sharjah Police Strategy 2024-2027

Sharjah: Major General Saif Al Zari Al Shamsi - Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police - launched the new General Command strategy 2024-2027, which aims to form a security work agenda in the coming years. The strategy envisions Sharjah Police as a pioneer in the field of security, leveraging advanced technology, and qualified talents to maintain public order and provide police services that enhance the quality of life of society. The six strategic objectives of the strategy are "Achieving security and safety for society," enhancing traffic safety on the road, "raising readiness to manage crises and disasters," enhancing community partnership and improving the customer experience," "providing efficient and effective institutional services and digital infrastructure with the highest standards of governance," and "strengthening Innovation and future-readiness practices provide a solid foundation for its future path.
During the eighth annual media forum organized by the Department of Media and Public Relations, Major General Al Shamsi also launched the “Sanad and Soun” family as the first virtual lecturers in the United Arab Emirates specializing in security awareness. This aligns with the government's trends and future strategy. The forum was attended by various department directors, specialized officers, representatives of the security media departments in the Ministry of Interior, and a wide presence of representatives of local, Arab, foreign, and Asian media.

During the forum, Major General Al Shamsi emphasized the importance of proactive plans in achieving a qualitative leap in the types of services provided by Sharjah Police. He urged to achieve excellence and leadership through integrated sustainability, empowering capabilities, and stimulating social responsibility by involving the community in launching creative ideas and translating them on the ground into innovative services that serve the strategic direction of the Sharjah Government. He also emphasized the importance of integrated media work and thanked all police leadership in the country for their integrated efforts in enhancing security and safety, as well as all media outlets for delivering the security awareness message to all segments of society.

During a recent forum, a short film was viewed, highlighting the pioneering achievements of Sharjah Police. Following this, two virtual officers, powered by artificial intelligence, conducted a review of the force’s accomplishments in 2023. 

According to a study conducted by the Sharjah Department of Statistics and Community Development, the virtual officers, Ali and Amal, revealed impressive indicators of the quality of security life in the Emirate of Sharjah. The study showed that Sharjah Police achieved a 99.7% rating in terms of the general feeling of safety in Sharjah. Additionally, community confidence in Sharjah Police and its ability to maintain security and stability was rated at 99.3%. 

Further, 99.8% of respondents reported feeling safe during the day, while 99.7% felt secure at home during the night. At night in public places, the percentage of people feeling safe was 99.3%, and those feeling safe when walking alone outside the house at night was 99.1%. The confidence percentage in police stations was 95%, while 97.8% reported feeling confident in security services providing digital protection. In terms of social responsibility, the percentage reached 97.5%, while attention to people with special needs and the elderly was rated at 97.4%.

The national agenda and its strategic goals witnessed a series of achievements in 2023, which were the outcome of consistent efforts towards institutional leadership. One of these accomplishments was the prominent reduction in the number of deaths caused by road accidents per 100,000 individuals, which decreased by about 16% compared to the previous year, to reach 1.86 deaths per 100,000 population.

This achievement was made possible thanks to the Traffic and Patrols Department of Sharjah Police, which implemented traffic safety standards on all roads. The presence of security patrols throughout the year was also a contributing factor. The department conducted 12 traffic campaigns during the year 2023, with a total of 410,049 beneficiaries.

In 2023, the leadership achieved a significant improvement in emergency preparedness, resulting in a 26% decrease in response time to emergency situations. The average response time was 3.39 seconds, which is a notable improvement compared to the previous year. The operations room managed to handle 2,035,859 calls to the emergency number (999), and 421,370 calls to the non-emergency number (901).

In addition to this, the General Command achieved a customer happiness index of 94% for the services provided in 2023. The use of digital channels also significantly improved, with a rate of 97%, and the General Command completed 1,109,673 transactions through digital channels. The submission time for one transaction was one minute and six seconds, with a waiting rate of less than a minute. This resulted in a satisfaction rate of 96% for the use of digital channels.

The Sharjah Police Anti-Narcotics Department has been successful in maintaining a drug-free society. A field study conducted by the Department of Statistics and Community Development in Sharjah showed that the leadership's efforts in combating drugs reached a percentage of 98.2%. The seizure operations carried out by the department increased by 24.3%, contributing positively to reducing the crime rate in the emirate. The total quantity of seized narcotic substances amounted to 1,128,895 grams, while the total number of seized substances reached 4,554,189 tablets, with a value of AED115 million, 370 thousand, and 887. 

The department has carried out several specific operations, including “Uncovering the Curtain,” “Black Bags,” “Delivery Companies,” and “(6) Purple Notices.” These operations have been effective in curbing drug trafficking and related criminal activities. 

The department has also conducted several awareness campaigns and activities to protect society from the scourge of drugs. These include “Awareness Ambassadors,” “Yes to Sports, No to Drugs,” and “Participate with Us to Prevent It.” These efforts have been successful in creating awareness among the public and reducing drug abuse.

Sharjah Police has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability by implementing a clear approach in its initiatives and operations in line with the national strategy for sustainable development. The police department has obtained 12 international standards supporting sustainability, forming 31 teams to audit health prevention requirements and environmental standards in police buildings. Sharjah Police has also qualified 78 certified evaluators, held 7 forums, participated in Cop28, and won several awards in the field of sustainability, such as the “Sharjah Sustainability Award,” the “Sharjah Social Responsibility Award,” and the “United Nations Sustainability Award.”

In regards to media security, Amal, the virtual officer, assessed the role of security media in enhancing security and community life. Sharjah Police achieved a participation rate of 94.7% across various media platforms, through successful campaigns such as "Your collectibles are your responsibility," "Be aware," and "Safe construction environment" in 2023. These campaigns reached 8,095,587 beneficiaries and resulted in a media personnel happiness rate of 92.2%.

The Sharjah Police have developed strategic frameworks for security talents, with a focus on identifying and nurturing Command talents within their ranks. These talents make up 8% of the force and are spread across eight different fields: leadership, technology, security, arts, sports, craftsmanship, cognitive academy, and intelligence. In order to empower these talented individuals, the Sharjah Police have launched specialized initiatives, including "The Document for Discovering and Nurturing the Gifted" and "The Annual Talent Forum for the General Command." These initiatives align with the government's focus on human investment in sustainability and aim to achieve strategic objectives in this area.

In 2023, Sharjah Police made significant strides in the field of intellectual property and work, registering 163 intellectual works, industrial models, and innovation patents - a 38% increase from previous years. Additionally, the Police received eight prestigious awards globally and locally, including the "Sheikha Jawaher Award for Sports Creativity," the "Minister of the Interior Award for Excellence in Three Categories," and the "Excellence for People of Determination Award at the World Police Summit."

Moreover, the Traffic and Licensing Services Center and the Wasit Precinct achieved a "6-star rating," while the Kalba Precinct, Al Gharb Precinct, Industrial Area Precinct, and the Eastern Province Police Services Center received a "5-star rating" within the international star rating system for services.

Finally, the Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police recognized various media platforms in the country for their positive contributions to enhancing security, safety, and quality of life for the UAE community.

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